Este FTD traz de volta uma das mais famosas coletâneas do Rei, o "50.000.000 Elvis Fans Can't Be Wrong". Lançado originalmente em 1959. Elvis estava no Exército, mesmo assim o álbum foi um grande sucesso de vendas. No caso do FTD não houve muito o que se mostrar de diferente. Para os aficcionados por detalhes de gravação irão gostar de escutar inúmeros takes de uma mesma música. Para quem não gosta disso, não aguentará 24 takes de "I Got Stung" por exemplo. Para compensar o segundo CD apresenta algumas entrevistas o que já vale o álbum!

Autor: Marcelo Neves.



LP Masters:
1. I Need Your Love Tonight 2.04 (Sid Wayne/Bix Reichner)
2. Don't 2.43 (Jerry Leiber/Mike Stoller)
3. Wear My Ring Around Your Neck 2.13 (Bert Carroll/Russell Moody)
4. My Wish Came True 2.33 (Ivory Joe Hunter)
5. I Got Stung 1.49 (Aaron Schroeder/David Hill)
6. One Night 2:32 (Bartholomew/King)
7. A Big Hunk O’ Love (splice 3/4) 2.12 (Aaron Schroeder/Sid Wyche)
8. I Beg Of You 1:53 (Rosemarie McCoy/Kelly Owens)
9. (Now And Then There’s) A Fool Such As I 2.36 (Bill Trader)
10. Doncha’ Think It’s Time (splice 40/39 – LP version) 1.54 (Clyde Otis/Willie Dixon)

Bonus Masters:
11. Your Cheatin’ Heart 2.24 (Hank Williams)
12. Ain’t That Loving You Baby 2.22 (Clyde Otis/Ivory Joe Hunter)
13. Doncha’ Think It’s Time (splice 47/40/48 - original single master) 1.54 (Clyde Otis/Willie Dixon)

February '58 Session:
14. Wear My Ring Around Your Neck (undubbed) 2.13
15. Your Cheatin’ Heart (alternate take 9) 2.24
16. Doncha’ Think It’s Time (take 39) 1.54
17. Doncha’ Think It’s Time (take 40) 1.57
18. Doncha’ Think It’s Time (take 47) 1.55
19. Doncha’ Think It’s Time (take 48) 1.54

June '58 Sessions:
20. A Big Hunk O’ Love (take 1, pb)
21. A Big Hunk O’ Love (take 2, pb)
22. A Big Hunk O’ Love (take 3, pb)
23. A Big Hunk O’ Love (take 4, pb)
24. Ain’t That Loving You Baby (take 1, pb)
25. Ain’t That Loving You Baby (take 2, lfs)
26. Ain’t That Loving You Baby (take 3, fs)
27. Ain’t That Loving You Baby (take 4, m)
28. Ain’t That Loving You Baby (take 5, fs)
29. Ain’t That Loving You Baby (take 6, lfs)
30. Ain’t That Loving You Baby (take 7, lfs)
31. Ain’t That Loving You Baby (take 8, lfs)
32. Ain’t That Loving You Baby (take 9, lfs)
33. Ain’t That Loving You Baby (take 10, lfs)
34. Ain’t That Loving You Baby (take 11, lfs)

Disc 2

June '58 Sessions:
1. I Need Your Love Tonight (take 1, lfs, starts with part of demo)
2. I Need Your Love Tonight (take 2, fs)
3. I Need Your Love Tonight (take 3, fs)
4. I Need Your Love Tonight (take 4, pb)
5. I Need Your Love Tonight (take 5, pb)
6. I Need Your Love Tonight (take 6, incomplete)
7. I Need Your Love Tonight (take 7, pb)
8. I Need Your Love Tonight (take 8, incomplete)
9. I Need Your Love Tonight (take 9, pb)
10. I Need Your Love Tonight (take 10a, pb)
11. I Need Your Love Tonight (take 10b, incomplete)
12. I Need Your Love Tonight (take 11, lfs)
13. I Need Your Love Tonight (take 12, fs)
14. I Need Your Love Tonight (take 13, pb)
15. I Need Your Love Tonight (take 14, pb)
16. I Need Your Love Tonight (take 15, pb)
17. I Need Your Love Tonight (take 16, lfs)
18. I Need Your Love Tonight (take 17, fs)
19. I Need Your Love Tonight (take 18, m)
20. (Now And Then There’s) A Fool Such As I (Take 1, Fs)
21. (Now And Then There’s) A Fool Such As I (Take 2, Fs)
22. (Now And Then There’s) A Fool Such As I (Take 3, Pb)
23. (Now And Then There’s) A Fool Such As I (Take 4, Fs)
24. (Now And Then There’s) A Fool Such As I (Take 5, Pb)
25. (Now And Then There’s) A Fool Such As I (Take 6, Fs)
26. (Now And Then There’s) A Fool Such As I (Take 7, Fs)
27. (Now And Then There’s) A Fool Such As I (Take 8, Pb)
28. (Now And Then There’s) A Fool Such As I (Take 9, M)
29. I Got Stung (take 1, lfs)
30. I Got Stung (take 2, fs)
31. I Got Stung (take 3, lfs)
32. I Got Stung (take 4, fs)
33. I Got Stung (take 5, fs)
34. I Got Stung (take 6, fs)
35. I Got Stung (take 7, fs)
36. I Got Stung (take 8, pb)
37. I Got Stung (take 9, fs)
38. I Got Stung (take 10, pb)
39. I Got Stung (take 11, pb)
40. I Got Stung (take 12, pb)
41. I Got Stung (take 13 fs, fs)
42. I Got Stung (take 14, pb)
43. I Got Stung (take 15, lfs)
44. I Got Stung (take 16, pb)
45. I Got Stung (take 17, fs)
46. I Got Stung (take 18, lfs)
47. I Got Stung (take 20, pb)
48. I Got Stung (take 21, fs)
49. I Got Stung (take 22, pb)
50. I Got Stung (take 23, lfs)
51. I Got Stung (take 24, m)

Elvis Sales EP:
52. Press Interview With Elvis Presley (At Brooklyn Army Terminal) 5:26
53. Elvis Presley's Newsreel Interview 2:20
54. Pat Hernon Interviews Elvis (In the Library of the U.S.S. Randall at Sailing) 2:15